On Wednesday, December 20, 2023, the UEMOA Court of Justice formally launched its 2023-2024 judicial year with a solemn session at its headquarters in Ouagadougou. This judicial reopening was centered around the theme “The non-judicial activities of the UEMOA Court of Justice.”
The ceremony was presided over by President Mahawa Sémou DIOUF, in the presence of the authorities of Burkina Faso, members of other Union bodies. Also attending were the President of the East African Court of Justice, the Vice-President representing the President of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the President of the UEMOA Bar Conference, and the President of the Bar Association of Burkina Faso.
During this solemn session, the Court paid special tribute to the late Daniel Amagoin TESSOUGUE, former President of the UEMOA Court of Justice.