The Court of Justice forms in Bamako, Mali

In collaboration with the Commission, the Court of Justice is training judges, lawyers, and other officials from the public administration of Mali in UEMOA community law at the International Conference Center of Bamako (CICB).

The opening ceremony was chaired on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, by His Excellency Mr. Choguel MAÏGA, Prime Minister of Mali, in the presence of Mr. Daniel TESSOUGUE, President of the UEMOA Court of Justice, and Mr. Moustapha BARRO, Resident Representative of the UEMOA Commission in Mali.

The ceremony was also attended by Mr. Mamadou KASSOGUE, Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Keeper of the Seals of Mali, and judicial and administrative authorities from Mali.

During the seminar, several topics will be covered. These include the legal and institutional framework of UEMOA, the competencies and procedures before the UEMOA Court of Justice, the free movement of goods and people within UEMOA, and UEMOA competition law.

The seminar will conclude on Friday, July 9, 2021.