Presidency of the UEMOA Court of Justice: Judge Daniel Amagoin TESSOUGUE takes office

The official installation ceremony of the new President of the UEMOA Court of Justice took place on Monday, June 3, 2019, in Ouagadougou. The extraordinary and solemn public session, chaired by the outgoing President Mrs. Joséphine Suzanne EBAH TOURE, was held in front of the members of the community jurisdiction, in the presence of several judicial authorities from Burkina Faso, including the Presidents of the Constitutional Court, the Court of Auditors, the Minister of Justice, the Keeper of the Seals of Burkina Faso, as well as several Commissioners from UEMOA, including Jonas GBIAN, who is acting as interim President of the Commission, Abdallah BOUREIMA.

For Joséphine Suzanne EBAH TOURE, the mandate she just completed at the head of the Presidency of the UEMOA Court of Justice was “a great source of intellectual profiles,” as it was “a shared commitment for the love of our Court and Justice.”

For his part, the new President stated that in this year 2019, when UEMOA celebrates its 25th anniversary, it is “the age where emancipation in legal terms is already an established fact, which presupposes that the sense of responsibility is well-rooted.” Daniel Amagoin TESSOUGUE invited everyone to contribute their small part in building “this community of destiny.”



As a reminder, the UEMOA Court of Justice is composed of eight (08) members, appointed for a renewable six (06)-year term by the Conference of Heads of State and Government of UEMOA. The members of the court elect a President for a three (03)-year term and distribute the roles of judges (5) and Attorneys General (2) among themselves.